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Why we created Fintama

Profile photo of The Brothers giving a presentation

Banking fatigue? You’re not alone. In fact, both bankers and clients recognise that despite prominent claims of client-centricity and personal banking, the financial industry is far behind in client…

Banking fatigue? You’re not alone. In fact, both bankers and clients recognise that despite prominent claims of client-centricity and personal banking, the financial industry is far behind in client servicing, leaving much to be desired. That’s where we come in.

We started Fintama to help financial institutions better serve their clients, society, as well as themselves. We believe that this is best done by creating compelling products and services that people love to use. And it was our foundation in science, data, and quantitative finance coupled with our enthusiasm to build such products with our clients which brought our founders Heiko, Amardeep, Gurmit, and Christian together.

With motivation in hand, now they needed a name. During a multi-day branding workshop, the team mulled over the vision ultimately giving life to Fintama, and with it the slogan.


[fin — ta — ma]

While having a catchy ring, there is much more behind it. Fintama is derived from a combination of the word finance, and the Punjabi word åtmā (ਆਤਮਾ), meaning soul. The words conjure up images of two very different environments: the one exact and rigid, and the other spiritual and wise. Marrying these in an age-old industry requires fusing business and technology with human-centric design to create products and services bringing a new spirit into the financial industry. The slogan “Breathing life into finance” was born.

Designing relevant and sustainable products remains a permanent fixture on corporate agendas as it has been for some time. Read more about our service and solution offerings and how we can support you on your journey to create the products of tomorrow for your clients, today.

Want to join us, or partner up on our journey? Feel free to reach out using

Let’s breathe life into financial services, together.
